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(CDR-1246) Avoiding the Pitfalls in Implementing the Measured Mile Method

Primary Author: Dr Tong Zhao PE PSP
Co-author(s): Mr J. Mark Dungan

Audience Focus: Intermediate
Application Type: Application
Venue: 2013 AACE International Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA

Abstract: The measured mile method, a widely accepted approach involved in lost productivity claims, compares the productivities of identical or similar work between non-impacted or least impacted and impacted segments of a project. The procedures to implement a measured mile study usually include data processing, productivity measurement, measured mile identification, cause and effect analysis, and loss of productivity calculation. Despite the popularity of the measured mile method, incorrect implementation can cause failures in proving and quantifying loss of efficiencies for claims that resulted from the impacts legitimately assignable to other parties. This article discusses some common errors and pitfalls in implementing the measured mile method in loss of efficiency claims, which should be avoided. A case study, demonstrating how to turn a loss of efficiency claim from implausible and counterintuitive to well supported with causation by correcting a few subtle errors in implementing the measured mile method, is also presented.