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(CDR-2235) Retrospective TIAs - Is There a Better Way?

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Primary Author: John C. Livengood, CCP CFCC PSP FAACE
Audience Focus: Advanced
Application Type: Practice
Venue: 2016 AACE International Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada

Abstract: The power of Time Impact Analysis (TIA) methodology is attested to by its near universal adoption as a preferred method to establish entitlement for time extensions during the course of a project using CPM scheduling. The AACE RP 52R-06 (2006), which provides a detailed explanation of how to properly perform this prospective analysis, is further example of Prospective TIA’s importance. Yet, at the same time, Retrospective TIAs continue to pose significant methodological issues even though it remains a major methodology for determining the delays in a CPM schedule, as reflected in the AACE RP29R-03 (2011). Questions concerning retrospective TIA’s accuracy abound as originally reflected in the question posed in the 2008 AACE presentation on the matter: “Retrospective TIAs – Time to Lay Them to Rest?” After nearly four decades of use, this article presents a case as to why the use of forensic TIAs should be sharply restricted due to its defects and the alternatives that are available to the expert analyst.