Psychoeducational Evaluations: A Crash Course in Reviewing Psycho-Ed Reports/Documentation

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Psychoeducational evaluations are a common sight in many disability offices, however most disability professionals (understandably) do not have formal training in psychoeducational evaluation administration, interpretation, or report writing. It can be a bit confusing to understand where to begin! This webinar will cover a bird's eye view of this topic, including the purpose and limitations of psychoeducational evaluation, the anatomy of a psychoeducational evaluation report, and quick tips for locating meaningful information in the documentation you receive as it relates to accommodation decision-making. While we can't cover years of graduate training in 90 minutes, attendees will walk away feeling more comfortable with the overall concept of psychoeducational evaluation and its accompanying documentation that is likely to come across your desk in your everyday work. (Please note: due to time limitations and autonomy of institutional approaches, this webinar will *not* cover what individual subtests measure, nor will it be prescriptive in regard to concrete cutoff scores.)

There is a typo in the shared PowerPoint deck in the original recording at the 1 hour, 1 minute mark regarding the letter-word ID and reading fluency subtests and their accompanying test scores. These have been corrected on slide 48 in the handout deck available for download. The plotted scores on slides 49 and 50—both in the handout deck and in the recording—are correct. Apologies!


  • Emily Helft

    Emily Helft has over a decade of disabled student support experience in both K12 and higher education. Following her undergraduate work at Wheaton College (Massachusetts), she embarked on a career focused on supporting children and young adults with disabilities. She earned both her M.Ed. and Ed.S. in School Psychology from the College of William & Mary with an intense focus on psychoeducational assessment and evaluation, and worked as a school psychologist in the greater Richmond (Virginia) area for 3 years. After seeing the impact of regularly incorporating technology into her everyday field work supporting students, she transitioned into higher education as an assistive technology specialist. Over the next 6 years, she expanded her skill set into accommodation decision making and case management support, faculty consultation, accessible media production, academic skills development, and community education regarding accessibility and the disability community, with her disability resource office work ultimately culminating in a director role. Once she realized her true passion within the field was clearly tied to education and training, she joined Landmark’s College's LCIRT team to both narrow her focus and broaden her outreach. She is particularly interested in learning and cognition strategies, psychoeducational evaluation, and translating meaningful research into accessible content for students, educators, and parents.

October 5, 2023
Thu 1:00 PM EDT

Duration 1H 30M

This live web event has ended.