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Transportation Equity Fundamentals I: Collaborative Healing

Registration closes at 12 pm ET, on the Friday before the course begins, or once we reach course capacity.

Program Schedule:

October 23-25, 2024 | 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. ET | Register Here for this Course

Course Description:

Transportation Equity Fundamentals I (8 hours)

This program is designed to provide transportation engineers with a transportation equity perspective and knowledge on how they can use the equity principles in their day-to-day work. High-level content covered in these two courses are:

Transportation Equity Fundamental I:

  • Types of equity and their implications: health, gender, race, etc.
  • Incorporate health and social equity into transportation planning and engineering design
  • Strategies to mitigate potential adverse impacts of transportation projects on equity
  • How to develop an effective and inclusive community outreach program
This training is an 8-hour-live online course.

TE Certification Information:

Additional Transportation Equity Courses
are available to earn the UFTI Transportation Equity (TE) Certification. For more information on McTrans Center Transportation Equity Fundamentals Certification, please visit their site here and contact McTrans Center staff directly.
PDHs: 12.0

ITE Member: $520.00
Non-Member: $650.00

Mehri ‘Mehrsa’ Mohebbi, Ph.D. – TE Program Director
Dr. Mohebbi is the UFTI Transportation Equity (TE) Program Director. Dr. Mohebbi holds a Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Cincinnati, College of Design, Architecture, Arts, and Planning (DAAP). She has 15+ years of experience addressing health and social equity in transportation and community planning across the U.S. and internationally. Her work focuses on developing inclusive engagement methods to promote equitable transportation decision-making. She has collaborated with national professional associations and served on several committees and task forces such as the American Planning Association (APA) Social Equity Task Force and the APA Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee.

Miguel Angel Vazquez, AICP, (California Planning Roundtable, CA)
Miguel Angel Vazquez, AICP, is a dynamic, multi-faceted positive thinker who combines his life experiences and professional insight with his passion for community empowerment through creativity and collaboration. Over the past two decades, he has provided professional planning and community development services to the private, public, and military sectors. Miguel Angel is one of the first planners hired by a public health department in the nation. His role at the Riverside University Health System-Public Health is to strengthen the integration of planning and health through collaboration with non-traditional partners. His current responsibilities involve COVID-19 response, healthy and equitable planning, active transportation, community engagement, and tobacco control. He is an active member of the American Planning Association (APA), APA Latinos in Planning, Planning and the Black Community and the Urban Design and Preservation Divisions, and the California Planning. He currently chairs the APA Arts in Planning Interest Group, the Planning for Health Equity, Advocacy and Leadership project and serves on the steering committees of Planners4Health California and the APA Inland Empire Section. The American Planning Association and affiliates have recognized his work and leadership with numerous awards, including the 2018 APA President’s Award and the 2020 APA California Distinguished Contribution Award. He is also a recipient of the 2021 Dale Prize. He received a bachelor’s degree in Urban Studies and Planning from California State University, Northridge, and is a fellow of the California Leadership Academy for the Public’s Health. Miguel Angel was born and raised in Mexico City and lives in Riverside, CA with his wife and sons.

Important -- Please allow 7 business days following purchase to receive course information. ITE will provide the McTrans Center a roster of new registrants on a weekly basis. All content including web conferences, workshops, and distribution of PDHs will be delivered on the McTrans System. This offering is not eligible for free registration for ITE student members. Please be sure to check your spam/junk folder for email information McTrans Center.