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What's "Om" Got to do with It?: Mindfulness Practices for Business and Client Success (CR2-775)

We may be intrigued by the idea of being more mindful in our day-to-day lives, but where do we begin? Mindfulness is a key component of emotional intelligence as it supports greater self-awareness and the ability to tolerate uncomfortable situations. Mindfulness is often conflated with meditation, and despite its frequent mention in various business articles, videos, and books, it can be challenging to develop a regular mindfulness practice that sticks. This session seeks to dispel confusion around mindfulness, reduce the barriers to maintaining a practice, connect it to emotional and professional success, and offer alternative, creative, and fun ways to approach mindful exercises.


  • Develop a clear understanding of "mindfulness" that expands beyond standard practices such as meditation or yoga.
  • Identify barriers to establishing a regular mindfulness practice, and how to address them.
  • Walk away with an actionable plan for incorporating regular mindfulness in their lives, connecting it to personal, organizational, business, and client success.