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Digital Records: The Next Step | DAS: Tactical & Strategic | September 20, 2017

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Do you have a basic understanding of digital records, but need an extra push to begin addressing the issue? This webcast will focus on systems that any archives must put in place to ensure it can manage digital records, and will cover how to prepare for an uncertain future concerning the management of digital records.

Previously titled Electronic Records: The Next Step

Upon completion of this course, you will:
  • Identify considerations for appraisal of digital records.
  • Choose preservation file formats.
  • Implement systems and some practices for managing digital records.

Who Should Attend:

Archivists and others who have a basic understanding of digital records.

What You Should Already Know:
A basic understanding of digital records.

DAS Core Competency:
2. Communicate and define terminology, requirements, roles, and responsibilities related to digital archives to a variety of stakeholders.
3. Formulate strategies and tactics for appraising, acquiring, describing, managing, organizing, preserving, and delivering digital archives.


You will have access to this product for 60 days from the date of purchase. Once the webcast is purchased, go to SAA's Learning Management System and click the

Resources tab to access a PDF of the presentation slides and the webcast exam (if applicable).

If you intend to pursue the DAS Certificate, you will need to pass the examination for this course.

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