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(BIM-4065) Key Benefits of 4D BIM Scheduling Implementation in Oil & Gas Projects and the Challenges

Level: Intermediate
TCM Section(s):
7.2. Schedule Planning and Development
8.1. Project Control Plan Implementation
Venue: 2023 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: The construction of the 4D scheduling models would enable visualization of the entire duration of construction activities through the project lifetime. It enhances the ability to verify the accuracy of schedules logic, better evaluate and optimize each step of construction process based on 3D view in time, lead progress meetings and site work planning using 4D model for clear, collaborative decision-making with all stakeholders and confirm the actual works put in place for progress verification and payment.

The paper aims at the key benefits of implementing 4D BIM Scheduling in oil and gas projects and its challenges and complexity which has only recently adopted by the industry players, in contrary to building construction industry.

The setup and implementation prerequisite has been established in term of contract requirement, software standardization, team setup & capabilities and expected deliverables however there are various encounters and intricacy in the alignments between project execution plan and project key deliverables such as the 3D models orientations and layers, project schedule coding and structure. Apart from that, obtaining buy-in from project owners, joint venture partners and contractors also pose challenges while concurrently, the capability and maturity level in 4D scheduling also need to be increased for effective implementations.

In this paper it will elaborate how 4D BIM Scheduling as an emerging planning & scheduling technology adopted by industry players nowadays and it is recommended to be implemented on any projects to improve the project delivery efficiency and improvement of productivity i.e., coordination of construction activities, duration, and cost. Plus, the paper will also expand on the ultimate concept and methodology towards additional dimension such as 5D on cost information and 6D on facility management information. However, the constraints and challenges will need to be addressed to enable improvements in the technology adoption.