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(BIM-4087) BIM and VE Optimization for Construction Schedule and Cost Control

Level: Intermediate
TCM Section(s):
7.5. Value Analysis and Engineering
9.2. Progress and Performance Measurement
Venue: 2023 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: This paper proposed a framework for integrating building information modeling (BIM) and value engineering (VE) techniques to enhance value, cost-saving, improve project time, and ease information exchange. The paper further explores using BIM models to collect input data for the framework assessment and assist in automating the evaluation process by embedding an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) program into the VE evaluation phase to rank the alternatives. The proposed framework provided an option for virtually evaluating design changes and reducing errors during construction. The author used a case study building project to demonstrate how BIM and VE integration can be harmonized and validate the proposed method. The author conducted a subject-matter experts' survey to validate the benefits of the BIM/VE automation process. The findings indicate BIM and VE improve design modification and detailed data extraction, e.g., cost and schedule. The results further suggest the significance of using BIM and VE enhanced project functionality and team coordination throughout the project lifecycle. This study provided the value of the integrated BIM and VE, including understanding the project requirements, improving team dynamics, seamless data exchange, and understanding of linking weighted criteria and functional analysis to BIM processes and validated recommended project solutions.