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(CDR-2887) SCL Delay and Disruption Protocol 2nd ed. as Compared to AACE RP29R-03

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There are two peer-reviewed institutional guides to forensic schedule delay analysis available that describe delay methodologies. The most recent is the Society of Construction Law’s Delay and Disruption Protocol, 2nd edition (DDP2), published in February 2017. It represents a significant step forward from the first edition of the Delay and Disruption Protocol (DDP1), published in 2002. The other peer-reviewed guide is AACE’s Recommended Practice on Forensic Delay Analysis – 29R-03 (RP29R-03), last published in its 3rd edition in 2011. In terms of the many elements of delay analysis – do they agree? Do they distinguish elements differently? If so, how? This paper examines how each of these guides treat major issues in forensic schedule delay analysis.