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(CDR-3732) "Concurrent Events" and Other Scheduling Issues in the News

In order to receive proof of CEU credits, you must watch this presentation in its entirety and complete the survey.

Level: Advanced
TCM Section(s):
6.4. Forensic Performance Assessment
9.2. Progress and Performance Measurement
Venue: 2021 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: In recent years, project stakeholders have increasingly embraced both scheduling techniques and contractual provisions to tilt the playing field in their favor in disputes involving concurrent delay.These developments have shifted the legal landscape and make it more important than ever to evaluate how a particular contract will affect a party’s rights in connection with project delays.This paper considers common technical and legal concurrent delay flashpoints, the emerging trend of using scheduling techniques and contractual provisions to determine the concurrency conundrum, and insights learned from recent court decisions applying such provisions.