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(CDR-1815) Forensic Schedule Analysis and Discretionary Logic

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Primary Author: Mr John C Livengood CCP CFCC PSP

Audience Focus: Advanced
Application Type: Application
Venue: 2015 AACE International Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, USA

Abstract: Forensic Schedule Analysis (FSA) and real time schedule reviews do not handle CPM schedules with significant amounts of discretionary logic very well. In the last decade, major theoretical and practical advancements have been made of which FSA methodology is most appropriate to evaluate schedule delay, largely through the introduction of AACE’s RP29R-03. Nevertheless, discretionary logic - the type of logic that is not dictated by either the contract or the construction necessity of the project - continues to cause difficulty in creating fair and accurate analyses of schedules during the course of the project. Further, these analytical problems persist in the methodologies associated with post-construction FSA. This paper considers several applications and refinements of existing forensic delay methodologies, particularly As-Planned vs. As-Built, which can assist in identifying the as-built critical path and delay responsibility in projects with significant amounts of discretionary logic.