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(CDR-870) Forensic Schedule Analysis: Example Implementations, Part 3

Primary Author: Mr Mark C Sanders PE CCE PSP Alpha3 Consulting LLC

Audience Focus: Advanced
Application Type: Experience-Based
Venue: 2012 AACE International Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA

Abstract: This is the final installment in a series of papers presenting example forensic schedule analyses performed according to the Method Implementation Protocols outlined in AACE International's Recommended Practice 29R-03. This paper presents the remaining analysis methods-MIPs 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, and 3.9. Each of these techniques is a variation on one of the techniques previously presented. This paper focuses on comparisons between the techniques and the reasons behind the different results found in each analysis. Finally, recommendations are provided for the continued development of example analyses, the continued refinement of analysis techniques, and the development of industry consensus in the area of objective forensic schedule analysis.