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(CDR-2114) Structuring Construction Claim Investigation Processes to Reduce Cognitive Bias

Primary Author: Dr. Amin Terouhid, DRMP PSP
Co-Author(s): Dr. Maryam Mirhadi Fard, PSP

Audience Focus: Intermediate
Application Type: Research
Venue: 2016 AACE International Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada

Abstract: Research in cognitive science has studied a variety of psychological constraints on human information gathering and processing. Some forms of deviation in judgment due to these constraints are referred to as cognitive bias. Seeing matters in an unjustifiably positive light, a preference for the use of more recent information, being overly influenced by initial information, and giving credit to causation where evidence solely suggest a correlation are four examples of these biases.

Claim investigations are subject to potential adverse effects of cognitive biases in a variety of ways. This study investigates how claim investigation processes should be structured to systematically reduce the effect of cognitive bias on the outcomes. A questionnaire survey, conducted amongst construction claim attorneys and claim professionals, helped to better identify cognitive biases that adversely affect construction claim investigation and prepare a reliable list of strategies for minimizing cognitive bias in claim investigations.