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(CDR-2531) Extension of Time Quantification

Level: Intermediate
Author(s): Thierry Linares
Venue: 2017 AACE International Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL

Abstract: The focus of the paper is based upon the authors experience regarding the contentious aspects of Extension of Time on an international construction contract. The introduction focuses on the analysis of the legal foundation (common law) on which the author’s international contract is based. In addition, a comparison of the usual contractual entitlements, requirements, and bars in major contract forms will be done.

The body of the paper will concentrate on demonstrating in a practical manner how the extension of time is executed along three types of methodology:
1. Methodologies for technical analysis and demonstration (based on AACE Recommended Practices (RP) RP 29R-03, RP 52R-06, RP 45R-08, and RP 25R-03). These RP’s support reviews and analysis by type of delay and origin (stand-by, disruption, etc.);

2. Best international practices on project and planning management for preparation of extension of time subjects in an objective to avoid disputes;

3. Cost quantification of the various types of extension of time, with a review of the best international practices and a ranking of them from low to high. As well as a review on how quantification needs to be supported by the time extension, which allows for increased recovery potential.

The paper is created from the author’s professional experience, and actual projects construction execution and claims examples are given as highlights.