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(CDR-2620) The Contemporaneous Period Analysis - Split Methodology Forensic Delay, MIP 3.4

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Level: Advanced
Author(s): Mark F. Nagata, PSP; Christopher W. Carson, CEP DRMP PSP FAACE
Venue: 2017 AACE International Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL

Abstract: The Contemporaneous Period Analysis - Split methodology (Method Implementation Protocol 3.4) is used when a schedule update has been performed based on progress, but schedule modifications have also been made before the schedule is published or submitted. When evaluating liability for delays (and damages related to acceleration) it is necessary to properly assign the project delay to the responsible critical work activities, events, or schedule revisions. This methodology splits the analysis of delays between progress and schedule revisions so each can be evaluated separately, and allows identification and monitoring of lessons learned from forensic analysis such as re-planning failures and erosion of vital float through casual mitigation efforts. This paper will discuss the steps in this process, provide examples of how the method works, and discuss the evaluation of the results.