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(DEV-4033) Best Practices in Implementing Emerging Technologies in Construction Controls

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Level: Basic
TCM Section(s):
11.2. People and Performance Management
11.3. Information Management
Venue: 2023 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: The commercial construction industry has traditionally leaned on conventional building techniques and tools for project success. Each year more technology and improved practices are introduced to the construction market. However, many of these never make it to production, but rather end in theoretical application due to prohibitive costs of entry. It is a known issue in the industry that commercial construction is slow to adopt new practices and emerging technologies. And those that do make it to production struggle to gain traction in projects around the world. This is caused primarily by the cost and time associated with training, implementation, and feedback that comes with putting new methods into practice. As the industry progresses projects become more efficient, require less energy and cost less money. These benefits, if harnessed, would improve overall project management and project control for all realms of the construction industry. This paper explores the current market trends, analyzes the effects of new and improving construction technology and determines how to best implement these emerging technologies in construction projects moving forward.