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(DEV-886) Creating a Competency Assessment for Cost Estimators

Primary Author: Dr Paul D Giammalvo CCE

Audience Focus: Advanced
Application Type: Experience-Based
2012 AACE International Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA

Abstract: This paper represents the work completed over the past 6 months to develop a competency based assessment instrument against which to assess professional cost estimators. The need for building competency derives from the growing problems producing valid, credible and reliable cost estimates. In this paper, the author explores other global competency based assessment models and using those as a template, and mapping published work by the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) and credible academic research on measuring output competency, he has produced a partially complete competency assessment. The paper concludes by seeking other interested professionals to join in this open source effort and makes several recommendations as to what individuals and those professional associations, who purport to represent us, can to do to further raise the professional standing of cost estimating as an honorable and respected career path objective. Specifically, this paper is calling on organizations such as AACE to modify their Codes of Professional Conduct to enable professionals to “push back” when clients or management want us to produce cost estimates we know are faulty or unsubstantiated.