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(DEV-2136) Planning Engineer Qualification Parameters

Primary Author: Dr. Ali A. Shash
Co-Author(s): Mohammad Ibrahim Diab Atmeza

Audience Focus: Intermediate
Application Type: Research
Venue: 2016 AACE International Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada

Abstract: Planning is a seriously important and critical activity in managing construction projects. Proper planning leads to clarify objectives, enhance operation efficiency, uderstand project deliverables and avail a basis for monitoring and controlling project activities. The quality of a construction plan depends heavily on the level of capabilities and quality of the planning engineer who is responsible for setting a comprehensive plan for the execution of a construction project. This study aims to identify the parameters that qualify an individual to be a planning engineer for construction projects. Contractors in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia were surveyed regarding factors impacting the quality of planning engineers. Communication, decision-making, critical thinking, and analytical quality are among the most important skills that a planning engineer should acquire. This paper provides contractors with parameters to help them to recruit the proper planning engineer and/or to improve the skills of their planners.