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(EST-3404) (Presentation Only) From Point A to Point Estimate: How Requirements Become Function Points

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Venue: 2020 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: The International Function Point User Group (IFPUG) function point analysis software sizing methodology has been successfully used by organizations for 30+ years.However, there remains confusion in the industry as to howthe process works.Anyone who's heard of function points, but is not a practitioner, often does not understand how the functional requirements of a software project are 'translated' into function points.This presentation demystifies the Function Point Analysis (FPA) process and educates those interested in how function points are counted and/or are considering the use of IFUG Function Points in their organizations.The presenter will discuss functional vs. non-functional requirements, provide examples of good and poor requirements, and how an FP count is developed based on the functional requirements.