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(EST-1559) Software Project Cost Estimation Based on Quick Function Point Method

Primary Author: Dr. Cao Ji, Ms. Cao Guangyi and Ms. Wen Li

Audience Focus: Intermediate
Application Type: Application
Venue: 2014 AACE International Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA

Abstract: It is usually difficult to make accurate cost estimation for software project, not to mention the software project cost in a bidding stage. The main reason lies in that there is no widely accepted definite unit to measure the size of software project scope. Software Function Point analysis is such a unique analysis method that can measure the size of software project scope from the viewpoint of customer requirement. For example, one software project size is 500 FPs, while another is 1000 FPs, then the software project cost information can be derived from the function point number for the software project. It is important to obtain the software project size information during the project bidding stage to support the project cost estimation. However, software project’s early requirement is usually too rough to count on function point, so this paper suggests a Calibrated Quick Function Point method to replace the standard Function Point method. Finally, The Calibrated Quick Function Point example and the software project cost estimation case are presented.