(EVM-1834) Integrated Project Management Approach for EPC Energy Projects

Primary Author: Mr Williams Chirinos

Audience Focus: Intermediate
Application Type: Application
Venue: 2015 AACE International Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, USA

Abstract: Although there is an effort to implement the best project management techniques worldwide, energy projects still experience difficulties meeting the three successful criteria; delivered on time, with a final actual cost on or below budget, and in full compliance with the requirements.

An effective integrated project management approach is presented through a case study to design an oil and gas production facility. This approach starts with the definition of the work scope using a work breakdown structure and project plan based on deliverables and milestones, instead of activities or tasks. The focus on project results increases the objectivity when reporting physical project progress and facilitates the implementation of earned value management. Earned schedule concept is included to forecast the project completion date. The work breakdown structure, earned value, and earned schedule are powerful techniques, but are rarely used worldwide.

The combination of this result-oriented concept with a simplified application of earned value and earned schedule facilitates the definition and execution phases, and increases the probability of success and ROI of energy projects.