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(OWN-1845) What Is So Important About a Project Controls Plan?

Primary Author: Mr Paul G Williams
Co-Author(s): Mr Stephen L Cabano

Audience Focus: Basic
Application Type: Application
Venue: 2015 AACE International Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, USA

Abstract: As today’s projects become increasingly more complex, with larger capital cost, international participation, joint venture Owner relationships and very often, multiple contractor execution strategies, the tools and techniques of cost/schedule control are often overlooked. Owner project teams cannot initiate a project and expect that the Project Control resources assigned to the team have worked together in the past, are aligned to the control approach being applied for the project, fully understand the contracting approach and are in sync with the contractors executing the work. The Project Control Plan (PCP) provides this clear understanding of the approach to be applied to a specified project. This paper will outline not only the content and purpose of the Project Control Plan, but also the pitfalls that may occur when a project does not apply this industry Best Practice. Several examples will be provided to showcase the benefits of an efficient and effective PCP.