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(PM-2205) Applying the Seven Basic Quality Tools to Your Projects

Primary Author: Joseph A. Lukas, PE CCP
Audience Focus: Advanced
Application Type: Practice
Venue: 2016 AACE International Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada

Abstract: A commonly used definition of quality is conformance of a deliverable with requirements and expectations. This paper will elaborate on this definition and explain how it applies to cost and schedule management on projects. The seven basic tools for quality control of total cost management will be described. These tools are cause-and-effect diagrams, check sheets, histograms, scatter diagrams, flowcharts, Pareto charts and control charts. Specific examples showing how to apply these seven quality tools to cost and schedule management work on projects will be demonstrated. Three other useful quality control tools - force field analysis, benchmarking and sampling - will be reviewed. This paper will show you how a focus on total cost management quality can improve the success of your projects.