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(PM-2629) Project Performance Review - A Model for Continuous Monitoring and Controls

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Level: Intermediate
Author(s): Dr. Alexia Nalewaik, CCP FAACE
Venue: 2017 AACE International Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL

Abstract: The recently published book on Project Performance Review focuses on evaluating projects efficiently and in context, identifying important improvement opportunities and including continuous monitoring in the project controls process. Topics addressed in the book include: introducing the project review method, engaging project stakeholders, ensuring project governance, conducting project risk assessments, improving accountability, providing project assurance, organizing and managing projects, optimizing review scope and approach, avoiding review pitfalls, meeting existing audit standards, and proposing alternate approaches to project evaluation. This technical paper provides an overview of the methodology, potential audit findings from each module, and examples of the successful application of the Nalewaik-Mills Project Performance Review method, in the context of project monitoring, project controls, and Total Cost Management.