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(PS-2768) Understanding the Techniques to Update a Schedule

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Microsoft Project, Oracle Primavera P6 and Asta Powerproject are three commonly used software packages in the building and construction industry.

There are many techniques used to update a schedule and the selected technique is influenced by many factors including:
• The contract specification requirements
• The software package being used
• The users’ knowledge and skill in the software package

This paper identifies and introduces three different principal techniques used in the building and construction industry to update a schedule.

The aim of this document is to outline:
1. Three techniques that are currently used to update a schedule,
2. The advantages and disadvantages of each technique, and
3. How Microsoft Project, Oracle Primavera P6 and Asta Powerproject support these three techniques.

Professional schedulers are usually familiar with Microsoft Project and/or Oracle Primavera P6, but many are unfamiliar with Asta Powerproject due to the lower market penetration of this software. This paper will give people who are unfamiliar with Asta Powerproject an insight into some the capabilities of this software.