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(PS-3181) Who Owns the Dates of the Procurement Package Status Report? - Practical Application on a Megaproject

Level: Intermediate
Venue: 2019 AACE International Conference & Expo, June 16-19, 2019, New Orleans, LA, USA

Abstract: It is not unusual when executing projects to have differences between the procurement package status report dates and the procurement schedule which causes confusion and often discredit the schedule as the single source of truth. But who owns the dates shown in the procurement status report? When executing a megaproject with thousands of activities and hundreds of procurement packages, it is crucial to develop an effective process to update, align and forecast the contract and procurement packages dates. This paper discusses a practical application on a megaproject on how the procurement and the planning teams can work together to develop a bi-directional interface and process that analyzes the dates from both the project schedule and the contract and procurement package status report, and effectively captures impacts of any changes to deliver better outcomes for the project.