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(PS-3804) The Top Ten Worst Situations With Proven Project Controls Solutions

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Level: Basic
TCM Section(s):
7.2. Schedule Planning and Development
0.0. General Reference
Venue: 2022 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: Many situations occur in project delivery which appear to be unmanageable or impossible to resolve, and the authors have a long history of experience in successfully pulling off resolution of what appear to be impossible or very difficult situations. These situations range from project problems that arise from owner or contractor actions or inactions, or even third-party interference, and risk negative impacts to the project goals. Some of these were projects where the authors were brought in after the CM team recognized that they were in trouble, and some were projects that the authors participated as team members and provided the solutions.

Participants in this session will benefit from being provided ten good war stories about difficult situations and learning about proven practical solutions that should give them insight into resolving similar issues in their own careers. These are not hypothetical solutions but rather actual issues and solutions that were implemented to successfully resolve real problems.

The authors have classified these situations so they can serve as a library of typical types of project issues with solid and workable solutions.