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(PS-1876) Reviewing Resource Leveled Schedules Using P6™

Primary Author: Mr Ronald M Winter PSP

Audience Focus: Intermediate
Application Type: Application
Venue: 2015 AACE International Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, USA

Abstract: Standard CPM schedule review techniques are insufficient to review automatically resource leveled schedules. When faced with the task of reviewing resource leveling, most reviewers try to pretend that it does not exist and ignore this facet of the schedule submittal.

This paper provides a guide to effective review of resource leveling that can be used on construction projects utilizing an Oracle/Primavera P6 Professional™ CPM schedule. This paper also discusses a large number of issues and guidelines to be considered when evaluating an automatically resource leveled CPM schedule.

Beginning with issues such as how to identify if resource leveling has been used, this paper delves into the analysis of the root causes of resource delay and techniques for separating reality from error. Causes for rejection of a resource leveling procedure are covered. Methods for validating how well the plan was executed are explained. Using these procedures, the reviewer can potentially know more about the resource leveled schedule than the person who submitted it.