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(PS-1930) Lessons Learned - Schedule Communication using P6™

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Primary Author: Mr Charlie Jackson PSP
Co-Author(s): Ms Hannah E Schumacher PSP

Audience Focus: Intermediate
Application Type: Application
Venue: 2015 AACE International Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, USA

Abstract: In order for any schedule to be an effective and useful management tool, the schedule must be communicated in the appropriate format to each of the various project stakeholders. If the Contract Documents require the use of Oracle® Primavera P6™, it is important for the scheduler to understand how to use the various P6™ graphical and tabular tools in order to tailor the format to meet each stakeholder’s needs and requirements.

This paper will identify common scheduling specification requirements, as well as field requirements, for communicating project data and discuss how to use the tools available in Oracle® Primavera P6™ to meet these requirements. The scheduler should be able to apply the “Lessons Learned” outlined in this paper to effectively and efficiently create reports and layouts to communicate the schedule.