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(PS-1548) Integrated Scheduling for Non-Schedulers

Primary Author: Mr. Brandon Atkins

Audience Focus: Basic
Application Type: Application
Venue: 2014 AACE International Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA

Abstract: Many papers have been written on the technical aspects of scheduling including the theory, methodologies, best practices and delay analysis. While these topics are valuable for schedule professionals to perfect their craft, the project schedule is a tool that has value to the entire project team including construction project managers, estimators, cost professionals and field supervision. Each team member should understand how their input or lack thereof can affect the schedule model and how the schedule can be used as a communication and decision-making tool from initiation to execution.

This paper stems from the author’s experiences as a contractor, engineer, owner’s representative, consultant and full-time scheduler and intends to be a non-technical overview for non-schedulers. The aim is to present the value of the schedule to the entire project team, the role each member can play in its development and maintenance, and address common misperceptions about what the schedule can and cannot do. One use of this overview could be to educate team members in a common vocabulary prior to an integrated planning session.