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(PS-1642) Successful Use of Priority-Driven Resource Leveling in P6

Primary Author: Mr. Greg M. Hall

Audience Focus: Intermediate
Application Type: Application
Venue: 2014 AACE International Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA

Abstract: Using real-life examples, this paper outlines the use of resource leveling to make a “self-healing” CPM schedule that enhances, rather than reduces, management’s involvement in making key resource deployment decisions.

While accounting for resource limitations on a project is universally accepted, this is usually done by adding relationships. The resource leveling tool in P6 is “voodoo” to most schedulers due to inexperienced schedulers’ misuse of the tool; P6’s lesser functionality compared to P3; and the inability of popular schedule analyzing tools to deal with the resulting ‘phantom float’ phenomenon. Some have even asserted that a leveled schedule is not truly CPM.

But “scheduling” is not an objective in itself; rather, it must support operations by building the best electronic model of reality. From this paper, the reader will be armed with how to use P6 as a powerful tool taking full advantage of resource leveling; how to show the longest path through a leveled schedule; and how to quickly make a ‘full logic’ copy of a leveled schedule with accurate float values.