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(PS-2105) Performing Schedule Analysis and Productivity Using Linear Scheduling

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Primary Author: Greg M. Hall
Co-Author(s): Abbas Saifi

Audience Focus: Intermediate
Application Type: Practice
Venue: 2016 AACE International Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada

Abstract: The increase in complexity of modern construction has escalated the importance of scheduling as a project controlling and monitoring tool. A well planned, expertly managed, and realistic resource-loaded schedule provides the best means to identify issues with the potential to affect the successful completion of a project. An analyst, performing comparisons against such a baseline schedule, will identify potential problems and discern a project’s true health. Additionally, projects are best managed when they benefit from the efficient use of resources and increased productivity. Effective visual communication is critical to the demonstration and understanding of these schedule processes. This paper discusses the use of linear scheduling method using time-location planning software to perform resource and production based schedule analysis for construction projects. Through this tool, an analyst will be able to examine the results and apply them to the project plan for the best possible mix of resource efficiency and project time of completion.