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(PS-2138) P6 File Corruption

Primary Author: Ronald M. Winter, PSP FAACE
Co-Author(s): Marina G. Sominsky, PSP

Audience Focus: Advanced
Application Type: Practice
Venue: 2016 AACE International Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada

Abstract: The subject of Oracle® Primavera P6℠ File Corruption is a multi-faceted issue involving both reality and perception. Practically every P6 scheduler and claims consultant will, at some time, ask themselves if they are seeing this fault occurring. Real instances of corrupt data in the P6 database can be identified and some possible solutions sometimes exist. In other cases, the information only appears to be corrupt due to P6’s complexity. In these cases, a scheduler needs to be armed with a list of potential causes for unusual occurrences.

Two PSP certified schedulers, who are also IT experts, present this unique paper on the subject of P6 File Corruption. They will explain why this condition can happen and show examples of such occurrences. Sometimes a solution is present. Other times the solution is missing, but at least the first step in solving the problem is to identity the cause.