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(PS-2407) Alternate Methodology for Managing Large Complex Project Schedules

Level: Basic
Author(s): Abbas Saifi; Greg M. Hall, PSP
Venue: 2017 AACE International Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL

Abstract: Projects are becoming increasingly complex and the industry is demanding schedules that can keep pace with that trend. This has made a project scheduler’s job more complicated than ever.

The project team and project scheduler must capture key activities in the project schedule, and must properly justify why they are important. The project team, in their effort to capture such key activities, may resort to micro managing a project, rendering the project schedule extremely tedious and time-consuming to maintain and update. Alternatively, the project team, in an attempt to minimize the number of activities and thus day-to-day-workload, may omit crucial activities.

This paper discusses the disadvantages of micro managing a project; highlights the vital deliverables that must be looked at; and introduces the concept of master project and sub project as a means of managing such complex schedules. The implementation of this method, with significant care, will allow the scheduler to both generate key reports with ease and satisfy the objective to assist the project team in performing risk assessments.