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(TCM-2952) Life-Cycle Cost Analysis for Concrete Pavement Structures

Costs to construct pavements for building or infrastructure projects present challenges to the cost engineer and designer when selecting the lower cost alternative. Concrete pavements traditionally have a higher initial cost than asphalt pavements, however, concrete usually has a longer life and lower long-term maintenance costs. Concrete pavements may have different base structures to enhance their useful life and minimize long-term maintenance. The purpose of this paper is to present a comparative analysis of concrete pavements having different base structures to assist cost engineers and designers in linking total life-cycle costs with actual performance. Different pavement base structures used in the analysis consist of a standard aggregate base and a modified high-performance aggregate base. The life-cycle cost analysis found that a plain dense-graded aggregate base provided the lower cost alternative than modified base alternatives for concrete pavement. A modified base having drainable aggregate had a lower surface roughness, but was 10% more expensive when total life cycle costs were considered. A better performing asphalt-treated base was estimated to be 29% more expensive than a standard plain base.