(TCM-1947) The Ten Best Project Management Approaches to Avoid Claims on Your Project

Primary Author: Mr Christopher W Carson CEP DRMP PSP
Co-Author(s): Mr Glen R Palmer CFCC PSP

Audience Focus: Intermediate
Application Type: Application
Venue: 2015 AACE International Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, USA

Abstract: This paper will discuss the ten best Project Management (PM) approaches used today that assist in the prevention or mitigation of claims. These approaches will be examined using “Lessons Learned” from both a project management and a claims perspective.

“Claims Avoidance” is an often used phrase in the construction industry that is almost impossible to achieve unless the projects being executed are “time & material” contracts. The authors of this paper have seen many claims filed with little or no entitlement basis. Given that entitlement is not necessarily a driving force in filing a claim, then that suggests avoiding a claim is almost completely out of hands of project team.

That said, this paper will concentrate on the ten project management approaches that will put any project team in the “best position” to defend a claim should one be filed during project execution. These ten approaches will be discussed in descending order of importance, but the authors believe that all ten approaches are very important to perform on lump sum projects. The authors have more than 75 years of experience in the engineering / construction industries.