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(TCM-906) Strategic Options for Corporate Survival

Primary Author: Mr Gregory Osagie Akhibi CCC Shell Petroleum Development Company

Audience Focus: Intermediate
Application Type: Experience-Based
Venue: 2012 AACE International Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA

Abstract: There is a superfluity of thoughts in the field of strategy and strategic management making coherent and directed research quite daunting and interesting; the term “STRATEGY” has therefore been variously defined by different scholars. This paper shall review the definition of strategy followed by the identification of dominant schools of thought to understand the ideological differences and influences on the divergent views being proffered.
Strategy formulation processes shall be reviewed to further develop existing frameworks with a view to developing applicability under the present social, economic and political milieu. Finally the paper shall seek to harmonize views on strategy by aggregation of positions in a coherent manner which would propose plausible approaches to corporate strategy.