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CEP Certification Study Guide, 2nd Edition (Digital Version)

Certified Estimating Professional Certification Study Guide, 2nd Edition (Digital Version)
Charles P. Woodward, PE CCP CEP Emeritus, and Neil Opfer, CCP CEP PSP FAACE, Editors

Price: $50 (Member) / $100 (Non-Member)

The AACE International Certified Estimating Professional (CEP) Certification Study Guide has been developed to accomplish two purposes. First, it is intended to aid aspiring certification candidates by summarizing the fields of recommended study necessary to prepare for the certification examination. Second, the intent is to assemble and summarize various topics considered essential knowledge for a Certified Estimating Professional (CEP), as outlined in the AACE International Recommended Practice (RP) 46R‐11, Required Skills & Knowledge of Project Cost Estimating and included in the current edition of the AACE International Skills and Knowledge of Cost Engineering.

Terms and phrases incorporated in the CEP Certification Study Guide are generic to the profession and listed in RP 10S‐90, Cost Engineering Terminology. The terms and phrases used in industry and technical software may not always agree precisely with your understanding, therefore consult RP 10S‐90 for the standard definition.

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