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(SK-2120) Skills and Knowledge of Cost Engineering: Project Communications

Primary Author: Joseph A. Lukas, PE CCP
Audience Focus: Basic
Application Type: Practice
Venue: 2016 AACE International Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada

Abstract: Project personnel involved in total cost management spend considerable time working with project stakeholders and use extensive verbal and written communications. Effective communication with project stakeholders is a vital element to help ensure project success.

This chapter explains the project communications process with a focus on the problems in today’s work environment. The importance of knowing your project stakeholders will be discussed, along with a proven method to analyze the importance and interest of the stakeholders. Elements of active listening will be covered, including good listening habits. How to read body language will be explained. Best practices for written communication will be covered along with the essential elements of a concise message. Finally, the keys to making virtual teams work will be discussed. Implementing the suggestions in this chapter will help you become a better communicator on your projects.