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(OTH-1429) Personal Financial Management for Cost Professionals

Cost professionals routinely apply relevant total cost management (TCM) tools and processes to ensure projects will meet established goals. These dedicated professionals work so hard to the extent of possibly overlooking their personal lives.In particular, it is an alarming situation that many cost professionals do not have plans to become financially independent.No project or program could be successful without a plan.How could these professionals have blind faith that their financial needs will be met without a realistic plan?

This paper provides thought-provoking ideas to motivate cost professionals to pay special attention to their personal financial management.Key concepts and tools will be shared to guide them to meet not only the current financial needs of their families or loved ones, but also at the time of their glorious and hard-earned retirement.A well-developed and realistic plan, executed with conviction using a systematic investment approach and risk management is essential.Becoming financially independent is a goal well within the reach of many cost professionals.