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(DSAA-4001) Lean Operating Systems - Project and Portfolio Management Data Visualization Using Integrated Reporting

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Level: Intermediate
TCM Section(s):
11.2. People and Performance Management
11.3. Information Management
Venue: 2023 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: The lean operating system is a management method that was developed as part of the Toyota production system and is now used by many companies to drive more effective decision-making and reduce the human struggle that many people face in their day-to-day work.Lean provides clear visibility into the company’s key performance indicators (KPIs) across safety, delivery, quality, cost, and morale. Good visual management can be understood by anyone, quickly! Effective visual management uses visual cues to communicate key information ‘at a glance ‘. Visual management is a way to communicate and display information about expectations, performance, standards, and warnings.However, in the construction and utilities project and portfolio management space, simple visualization has been elusive where the need is to visualize daily changes of problem areas in a massive portfolio of thousands of projects.

Project and portfolio management is responsible for the development and management of scope, schedule, and budget anywhere from one to thousands of projects. Often, project managers rely upon data from several systems including a scheduling tool, such as Oracle Primavera P6, an enterprise resource planning (accounting) system, such as SAP, and various other software and databases used for materials status, purchase orders, invoicing, permitting, community engagement, Excel spreadsheets, etc. Integrated reporting can be used to pull data from these disparate sources into a SQL reporting database, where data visualization tools, such as Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, and Microsoft Excel, can be used to present the data in a simple dashboard. These interactive dashboards can be used for 15 minute Daily Operating Reviews (DORs), where status and action items can be captured, saved, and reported upon.

This paper will present a real-world case study on the use of a DOR application (app) that provides quick daily scorecard data on a large project and program portfolio in the electric utilities industry. It will present how Lean is used by the project management team, the technically integrated reporting solution developed, and the results seen since its implementation.