Segment Three

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Chairs: Dr. Silvia Neciosup and Dr. Gilberto Schwartsmann

14h00 – 14h40 Tips to improve the essential components of an manuscript, navigating the submission and revision aspects of the peer-review process in the cancer science publications, and communicating findings to non-specialists. (Dr. Jing Peng, AACR, USA and Dr. Srivani Ravoori, AACR, USA)

14h40- 15h00 Joint Q&A Sessions with Drs. Peng and Ravoori

15h00 – 15h20 IS and Clinical Trial Networks in Latin America - Dr. Gustavo Werutsky, Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group (LACOG), Brazil and Mr. Diego Paonessa, Latin-American Association of Cancer Leagues

15h20- 15h35 Joint Q&A Sessions with Dr. Werutsky and Diego Paonessa

15h35 – 16h00 AACR and SLACOM Resources for Professional Development - Dr. Fred Biemar, AACR, USA and Dr. Eduardo Cazap, SLACOM, Argentina

16h00 – 16h10 Break

16h10 – 17h00 Closing Session - The Frontiers of Implementation Science in Latin America and its role in improving cancer prevention control and policies - Dr. Silvina Arrossi, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad (CEDES), Argentina
*This session will be conducted live in English with no Spanish subtitles

17h00 Adjourn


  • Dr. Silvia Neciosup

    Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas - Lima, Perú

    MD, Fellow European Society medical Oncology (ESMO), Mg. Administration in Management of Health Service, Mg. Molecular Biology, PhD Medicine. Currently Director of Medical Division (Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas - Lima, Perú), Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medicine – Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas UPC (Lima - Perú), Member of the Committee of Experts for the Direction and Prevention of Cancer Control of the Ministry of Health (Lima, Perú), President of the Peruvian Society Medical Oncology (SPOM), Member of ASCO, ESMO, IBCSG, AACR and Member of the consensus panel on advanced breast cancer (ABC). About 15 years of cancer research with emphasis on diagnosis of breast and genitourinary tumors.

  • Dr. Gilberto Schwartsmann

    Federal University, Brazil

    G. Schwartsmann, MD, PhD, is presently Professor of Medical Oncology, Federal University, Brazil. He is also a member of the Brazilian National Academy of Medicine. He was a research fellow at the Middlesex Hospital and Royal Marsden Hospital, London-UK; PhD in Cancer Pharmacology at the Free University, Amsterdam; post-doctoral Fellow at CTEP at the US National Cancer Institute through the NCI-EORTC Liaison Office; and former Director of the EORTC New Drug Development Office.During his career, he has authored various chapters in textbooks in Oncology, such as the Oxford Textbook of Oncology, Cancer Chemotherapy & Biological Response Modifiers Annual, patents and published over 250 papers in peer-reviewed journals, with more than 10.000 citations.

  • Dr. Jing Peng

    American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), USA

    Jing Peng is the Associate Editor of Cancer Prevention Research and Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. Jing received her PhD in Biochemistry from The Ohio State University, then worked at the Fox Chase Cancer Center for over 10 years, where she conducted basic research in the field of cancer prevention, first with Dr. V. Craig Jordan on breast cancer and then with Dr. Margie Clapper on lung cancer. While working in the research laboratories at the Fox Chase Cancer Center, Jing had the opportunity to collaborate with cancer epidemiologists and helped organizing health education sessions for Chinese American women on second-hand smoke exposure and lung cancer. Jing joined AACR in 2018 as a journal editor.

  • Dr. Srivani Ravoori

    American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), USA

    Dr. Ravoori conducted basic and translational research for more than 12 years in the areas of cervical and breast cancers. In her current role as the director of science communications, she provides scientific guidance to the AACR’s Communications and Public Relations team in identifying and promoting latest cancer research advances to a broad range of non-scientific stakeholders, including the media and the public. Dr. Ravoori leads a team of science writers in developing content from cancer research published in scientific journals and presented at international conferences, with the goal of making science accessible to non-scientific professionals and lay audiences.

  • Dr. Gustavo Werutsky

    Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group (LACOG), Brazil

    Gustavo Werutsky is Chair of the Latin American Cooperative Oncology Group (LACOG) and Assistant Professor of Medical Oncology, Breast Cancer Program at Hospital São Lucas (PUCRS University) in Porto Alegre, Brazil. He is a former Medical Fellow (2008-11) of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), Brussels, Belgium. He was also a past fellow of the Flims workshop on cancer research and of the ESMO translational research unit visit.

  • Dr. Diego Paonessa

    Latin-American Association of Cancer Leagues

    General Director of the Argentine League to Fight Cancer (LALCEC). Advertising graduate with extensive experience in the development of communication, marketing and commercialization strategies for companies such as Coca Cola, Petrobras, LG, General Motors, Carrefour, among others. Currently working on the strengthening of NGOs, developing the definition of objectives, action plan, fundraising, economic and financial reorganization, institutionalization and professionalization, national and international positioning, implementation of communication campaigns, public policies and financial and Resource reengineering and Humans resources He started his professional career in Argentina, working for the Ministry of Social Development of the Nation first as an assistant and then as the head of communication for the National Program for Children and Adolescents. Subsequently, he assumes the communication direction of The SES Foundation (NGO focused on educational inclusion) for 3 years. Founder of the communication agency Advertere, which he directs for more than 10 years working on launches of mass consumer products, development of communication and media strategies, customer loyalty campaigns as well as brand development and positioning. After selling the agency, since 2012 he has assumed the position of General Director of the Argentine League to Fight Cancer.

  • Dr. Fred Biemar

    American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), USA

    Frédéric Biemar, PhD, is director of international affairs at that American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), the world’s first and largest professional nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing cancer research and its mission to prevent and cure all cancers. He joined the organization in 2011, and has spearheaded AACR’s international programs since 2014. Prior to joining AACR, Dr. Biemar served as assistant professor of biology at Temple University, in Philadelphia, and as a postdoctoral fellow in the department of molecular biology at the University of California at Berkeley. Dr. Biemar is the author, or co-author, of eighteen scholarly articles. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in biochemistry, summa cum laude, and a Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Liège in Belgium.

  • Dr. Eduardo Cazap

    SLACOM, Argentina

    Eduardo Cazap MD, PhD, FASCO is an Argentinean medical oncologist, Founder and first President of the Latin American & Caribbean Society of Medical Oncology (SLACOM), Past- President of the International Union against Cancer (UICC) and Emeritus Professor, Latin-American School of Oncology. He published over 200 papers, President of the UICC World Cancer Congress in 2012. He received in 2013 the Distinguished Achievement Award of the Conquer Cancer Foundation (USA) and bestowed as Fellow of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (FASCO). 2018 Harvard Distinguished Leader Award; Harvard Medical School. Chair of the Global Track- Annual Meeting Education Committee (ASCO), Founding member of the National Cancer Institute of Argentina. Editor-in-Chief, Ecancer Medical Science(UK) ,Co-Editor, Global Health Section, The Oncologist(USA) and Editorial member of around 20 other International peer-reviewed Cancer Journals. Acting as a promoter of the concept of “ Global Cancer Control “ Dr. Cazap advises, collaborates or participates with main cancer international organizations such as OMS, PAHO, UICC, IARC, NCI-US, ASCO,ESMO, AACR, AORTIC,IAEA-PACT, Harvard Global Health Catalyst between others. Eduardo Cazap has a vast in-country and international experience and is a regular plenary speaker, chair or moderator at global cancer and health meetings as well as part of organizing major international conferences.

  • Dr. Silvina Arrossi

    Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad (CEDES), Argentina

    Dr. Silvina Arrossi is a sociologist, Docteur en Demographie (Université de Lyon) and Msc. in Public Health in Developing Countries (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine). She is currently an independent researcher of the CONICET and research associate in the Area of Health, Economics and Society of the Center for the Study of the State and Society (CEDES, for its acronym in Spanish). Dr. Arrossi is an advisor at the World Health Organization (WHO). Between 2008 and 2018, she was Scientific Coordinator of the National Cervical Cancer Prevention Program.

    She operates and coordinates different research projects on a national and international scale. She supervises and evaluates post-graduate dissertations. She has various publications in international and national scientific papers.

December 2, 2021
Thu 2:00 PM EST

Duration 3H 0M

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