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2022 ACP Fall Joint Educators Conference

Update for the Prosthodontic Diagnostic Indexes

Learning Objectives:
• Appraise the criteria of the published Prosthodontic Diagnostic Indexes and assess how they compare to indexes from other disciplines.
• Analyze the limitations of the current PDIs and find ways to improve the PDI utilization and application.
• Understand how to apply the PDIs to Predoctoral and Postdoctoral education.

Session Description: The presentations will provide the background of the task force charges for updating the PDI and the established Prosthodontic Diagnostic Indexes (PDI) for complete edentulism, partial edentulism, and the completely edentulous patient. This review will include analysis of the validity of the current PDIs and how they compare to classification systems used in other dental disciplines and ways to expand the utilization of the current PDIs and the necessity for updates to conform with current practices. Attendees will be surveyed onsite for feedback and data collection to assist in finalizing proposed updates.

AGD Subject Codes:
610 Fixed Prosthodontics
670 Removable Prosthodontics
690 Implants

Grant Research Support: N/A