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Gate Safety

Learning Domain: Operations
Gate Safety

The AFA Gate Safety course encompasses two editions: Inspector and Installer. The Inspector Edition is tailored for those responsible for gate safety inspections, covering UL 325 and ASTM F2200 standards, gate types, safety components, and inspection checklists. The Installer Edition is designed for gate installers, emphasizing the importance of UL 325 and ASTM F2200 in gate design and installation, focusing on entrapment zones and safety compliance. Both editions aim to enhance understanding and implementation of safety standards in the gate industry, ensuring efficient and secure gate operations.

Inspector Edition:

The Inspector Edition is an essential resource for gate installers, focusing on safety standards and best practices. The course dives into the Underwriters Laboratories Standard 325 (UL 325) and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM F2200), making clear their relevance to automated gates. It covers topics like safe gate design, entrapment zones, and compliance with safety requirements for automated gates. Through various sections, the course highlights the importance of understanding these standards to ensure safety compliance and successful gate installations, supplemented by quizzes and assessments for knowledge reinforcement.

Installer Edition:

The Installer Edition offers a comprehensive overview of gate safety, focusing on the roles and responsibilities of inspectors. It covers various topics, including the importance of UL 325 and ASTM F2200 standards, understanding different gate types (swing, slide, overhead track, etc.), detailed exploration of gate operator classes, critical safety components like labels, warning signs, entrapment zones, and pinch points, along with a thorough gate safety review and checklist. The course aims to enhance the knowledge and skills of inspectors to ensure the secure and efficient functioning of gates while upholding the highest safety standards.

Who should enroll
  • Fencing Industry Newcomers including manufacturing, retail or installation
  • Aspiring Fence Professionals
  • Existing Fencing Professionals
  • Safety Officers
  • Existing Fence Inspectors
$59 for individual registration
Click here for bulk pricing

$89 for non-members

Course Length
4 hours