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Patent Priority Claiming at IP5 – Dos and Don'ts

Original air date: 8/29/18 
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Patent rights are territorial. Right seekers often file first in their home country and then in one or more foreign countries via priority claiming to both preserve the earlier home country filing date and to gain time for market assessment in foreign markets. These marketing activities are often intended to be strategic for the right seekers and their businesses, which makes knowing well the priority claiming as a patent management tool undoubtedly crucial for the practitioners to achieve the best possible representation.

This webinar aims to examine various features of priority claiming in the U.S. and several other active patent jurisdictions, namely Japan, Europe, China and Korea, and at the very least to provide an analysis roadmap for inquiries on priority claiming with a comparative view before these five jurisdictions.

Presented by:

Timothy Murphy of Carlson, Gaskey & Olds, P.C.
Masahiro Osaka of Metrolexis Law Group
Dr. Barbara Rigby of Dehns
Dr. Junqi Hang of Dragon IP