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Emerging IP Abroad: Approaches to Protecting Computer Functionality & Designs Outside the US

Original air date: 5/11/2020.
This course has expired and is no longer eligible for CLE.

Moderator: Richard Stockton, Banner Witcoff, Chicago, IL

Fasten Your Seat belts! Prosecuting Design Patents in a Fast-Changing World: When not to file a utility patent, balancing design patents and copyright on fast developing technologies in China, Europe and Japan Akihiko Okuno, SK IP Law Firm, Tokyo, Japan

Patent Eligibility for Computer Functions: A comprehensive look at computer simulation before the Expanded Board of Appeals and insights into approaches for Canada, China, the EPO and the UK
Christian Heine, KEENWAY, Düsseldorf, Germany

This Session was part of the 2020 AIPLA Virtual Spring Meeting