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February 2023 EduSeries: No Community Manager? No Problem.

Personify research reveals that 75% of association members identified an online community as a top reason to actively engage in an association. However, our research also revealed that only 19% of associations plan on using an online community for engagement.

How can the demand seem so high, but the number of association online communities so low?

Well, there are a lot of reasons like lack of board support, no budget for it, no great tool to build it — and one of the biggest objections we hear when it comes to an association not having a community — we don’t have a Community Manager on staff to run it. Learn how the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP) built a member-driven community by:

  • Getting the board on board Researching and choosing the right technology and partners 
  • Designating the right people to champion the online community 
  • Selecting the best online community features to build for their unique membership 
  • Engaging different types of community members