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Webinar: Antler Shed Dogs, an intro to the newest dog sport (CEU=1)

So, what the heck is a shed dog? Join me as I talk about one of the newest dog sports, Antler Shed Dogs. Does your dog like to play fetch or do scent work? If yes, you must check this out. Teaching family dogs to find deer antlers that naturally fall off in the field and bring them to you. Let’s get you started!
Inga From, CDBC, CPDT-KSA, was a national recipient of the Association of Professional Dog Trainer’s Premier Shelter Staff Award several years ago. She runs two very different training and behavior businesses. Positive Gun Dogs of Minnesota which includes shed dogs & positive gun dog training as well as Hippie Dog which offers, holistic themed behavior help. Inga has a background in law enforcement and is a former Texas game warden. Mix that up with being a Reiki Master among other things and you have a little mix of an outdoor woman with a hippie soul.


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