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Play and Playfulness in Pediatric PT: Beyond Gross Motor Skills

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Pediatric SIG Board Meeting starts at 7pm EST (for PSIG Board Members). You are welcome to attend but not required.

Earn 1 contact hour of Type 1 credit. Play and Playfulness in Pediatric PT: Beyond Gross Motor Skills course starts at 8:00pm EST.

This short course will use lecture, case study, and audience participation to help grow our collective understanding of the benefits of play and playfulness for infants and young children. Special emphasis will be placed upon understanding and analyzing play as a child’s multi-domain job. Discussion will focus upon assessment of play skills and creating play opportunities for children with disabilities.

Learning Objectives:
1. Describe the difference between play and playfulness in young children and be able to tell parents/caregivers about the importance of these constructs in healthy child development.
2. Understand the global benefits of child-directed play from a provider perspective - not just motor skills!
3. Analyze what a child is learning from play (using videos of children with/without disabilities at play).
4. Apply knowledge of child-directed play to provide scaffolding for “therapeutic” play.
5. Discuss how to help parents/caregivers create challenging, yet meaningful, play opportunities when you are not present.
6. Discuss the theoretical and growing empirical links between optimal positioning and optimal play.