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Acquisitions and Mergers: Impact on Records Management

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Companies are consolidating to take advantage of 'Joint Synergy' solutions. As information managers, we need to take a proactive approach to ensuring company records are properly assessed, secured, transferred, and protected, before, during, and after the transition. This session will validate why information managers need to control the information process, starting with the due diligence phase. What information is needed to make an appropriate decision? What records does senior management need to address risks, liabilities, and commitments? What do information managers need to know to assist your company in making the right decisions? What protective actions are needed when transferring information?

Learning Objectives
Upon completing this session, you will be able to:

  1. Assist senior management in determining whether the acquisition is wise, and if so, what steps need to be completed to ensure transition goals and objectives are met as they relate to each organization's best practices
  2. Create an information management business plan
  3. Examine current operations of the acquired and how to integrate its practices with the acquirer's operation
  4. Identify physical and digital space requirements, expenses, records retention rules, departmental breakdowns, and records vital for decision-making